Don’t assume unless he/she tell something.

Actions done sometimes misinterpreted. It usually happened when one of our friends in opposite sex showing behavior that puzzled us. It is normal that they will give you gifts and extra care. Yes, it is sweet but you don’t have to think of something like, he/she likes you out from the friendship borderline. It is safer to think of it as his/her way of saying “Thank you for being a good friend or buddy”

Assuming things can make you upset in the end. It can possibly make you feel embarrassed about your feelings to the point that your relationship with him/her will be affected. You will now start to move away from that person. Then, the friendship is no longer friendship. Gap will take place in between.

If he/she tells you that he/she like you, then it is up to you on how to deal with the feelings since this is way different from the usual friend relationship with that person.

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