Stop Office Pig-Outs

When we're busy at work, we sometimes don't care with the content of the food we eat as long as it's delicious and yummy. We even forget our conciousness in our body figure specially the ladies.
If you want not to get out of your figure, I have here some guides to stop office Pig-outs from Cosmopolitan.

1. Be a gazer

Boost your metabolism by eating a couple of small meals instead of a big lunch. "It'll prevent you from starving and overeating" says nutritionist Natalie Rosenstock.

2. Soak in sun

Exposure to sunlight ups your level of serotonin, a brain chemical that can suppress carb cravings. Nosh outside or eat near a window-just be sure to wear sunscreen.

3. Stake out dining spots

Research nearby take out places with low fat options."When your team's ordering food, you can suggest a healthy restaurant" says Rosenstock.

4. Avoid sugary cocktails

At happy hour, forget fruity drinks-they're loaded with calories. Opt for a glass of wine instead.

5. Put the pastry down and back away!

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