Stand and walk again just like other...

I know many people are going through trials in life.

Many of us are struggling to have a happy and complete life.

Unfortunately, we are not destined to be happy always like the way we wanted to be.

We are destined only to go on and move on with life no matter how hard it is to face the trials given to us.

No matter what life brings you, you must stay strong and never lose hope.

Just think that it’s not only you who’s experiencing the same problem.

It’s not only you who is suffering from emotional depression. Everybody does.

Life doesn’t always end in the darkness side.

There’s still light in the end that will make you feel better and relief.

You may seem to feel that life is so unfair.

Tomorrow, you will soon understand that life includes all the things happened in your life.

You just have to stand and walk again even after many fall…

Just like any other people...

Should I Stop or Should I go?

Falling in love is unexplainable. You don’t know how and why but you just felt it.
Out from your busy world, you never realize that there is someone out there looking at you and start to admire you.
As time goes by, you fall too… and it’s somehow a fulfillment when you know that he’/ she’s there to catch you. Love is in the air!!! As you go through the relationship, you begin to know each other better and deeper. You already know what he/she likes and not.
Your patience became longer. No more childish acts except when you’re just trying to be sweet. The relationship went well. The love became strong. The seed of trust has already planted and grew like tree.
But, what will you do when all of a sudden one says, due to religion matters, you can’t be together? Or Due to traditional beliefs you can’t be together?
It’s like an apple in your hand but you can’t eat it because it’s not yours and you’re not allowed to. It’s like lovely flowers from someone’s garden surrounded by high fences and you can’t pick it but only look at it.
It’s like you were driving fast on the road to catch a flight. Should you beat the red light to get there on time and fly away or Stop and let the plane go…
Beating the red light is somehow beating the rules just to be with someone you love.
But consequences are, when you beat the rules, are you ready to pay charges of your action? If you stop and let it go, are you ready to start a new life again?
Both hard…

Loving is never easy

You sometimes thought you’re okay and good.
The feeling makes you feel good
But when it comes to a situation where in
You don’t know where you’re relationship going
Makes you feel so weak and hopeless
Instead of believing yourself and the love that you have
You decided to just let it go and stop holding on.
The sad part is, you were not given a chance to prove the love that you have
You never had the chance to know if that love can possibly last.
The fear of getting hurt is the cause.
Stepping into a stone called impossible.
Not wanting to move on and try other option.
It’s a fear of taking risk.
From there, you have to start again.

Anger won't help at all

Sometimes, no matter how hard trying not to loose temper, your anger would still beat you. No matter how hard not to give offensive words, you can’t still control your mouth to shut. No matter how hard not to do things that may hurt someone; you can’t have the power over it to stop. This is because we are angry or mad at someone.

Sometimes, we decided on things when we are irritated. Do you think it is right? Do you think it will help you solve your problem? There is no good in making a decision when you are emotionally unconditioned. Am I right? That is because when we are angry, our mind and heart is listening to your other self who gives negative advice which is not helpful.

When making a decision, make sure you are in condition and no emotional discharge.
Else, everything will go wrong… Condition yourself first before doing such actions.
Anger won’t help you. You are matured enough to know when is the right time to make such actions. Be responsible enough for any actions that you may be doing.

You have a choice

You have a choice.
In everything that you do, you always have a choice.
In school, if you want to pass the exam, you have a choice to
study or not. Expect a pass or failed grade.
In the office, sometimes we feel like so tired of going to a
place over and over again with a bunch of work in your desk. You
always have the choice to come or not to come. Expect a promotion
or get domoted.
In love, if someone dumped you, you have a choice to dump him
too. You have a choice to love the person even after all the
things done to you. Expect a love back or a hoping person forever.
In everything that you do and in everything that you have, you
always have the choice on how are you going to handle it.Try to look over the things. Try to imagine what might happen. Worst come to Worst or or something even better.


Who doesn't want to start their day Happy?No one, right?
Some people are unaware of their actions and leads to
undisciplined manner which is kinda disappointing.I am on my way going to the office. I reached my destination and
when I was about to get off from a jeepney ride, these bunch of
people block the door and tried to go inside. How can I go out
properly when they are there blocking my way? How can they sit if
we are still inside? Why can't they wait till we free up the
seat? The door is too tight for us to go out and for them to get inside
at the same time. I even hit the door with my head.In frustration, i lose my temper and say,Can you please move away from the door so we can move out and u
can get in?
Even though they are late or whatever reason why they were in a
hurry getting inside, sometimes we should keep on watching our
Is it hard to give way first and wait for your turn?"Haste makes waste" remember that always.
It always happen in any public transportation like train,bus,
taxi, etc.
We are longing for a good and peaceful country, right?But how can we have that in place if in a simple way we can't do
it in ourselves?
This is also a matter of applying the "give and take
If we do this over and over again, I think it will be too hard
for us to move on and its frustrating...